Important Information

2021 Match Timeline!

The Match process is a uniform system by which residency candidates and residency programs simultaneously “match” to fill first-year and second-year post-graduate training positions accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). See the timeline below to get your affairs in order!


June 8, 2020  |  Open for Business

ERAS is now open in advance of the 2021 NRMP Main Match! A token from your dean shows you are approved by your COM to enter the upcoming Match, enabling you to register with the NRMP and in MyERAS, and begin working on your applications. 

September 1, 2020  |  Signed, Sealed, Delivered. At 1:00pm ET, you can begin to submit your applications to residency programs!

September 15, 2020  |  Don’t Miss a Step

The 2021 NRMP Match registration is now officially open! While it is not required for you to have an NRMP ID to submit your program applications, applicants must be registered in the NRMP’s system to participate in the Match.

October 21 – December 31, 2020  |  Crunch Time

Residency programs can begin reviewing applications at 9:00am ET on October 21st. Most residency program interviews will be held between October and December.

Many specialties have recognized the unique situation caused by the pandemic this year and have changed at least some of their expectations from previous years. Find out what your desired specialty has planned for this interview season. And make sure you’re ready to ace your virtual interview with these important tips.

February 1, 2021  |  Ranking Opens

It’s that time – once you’ve registered with the NRMP, you can now submit your Rank Order Lists. You have until March 3rd to figure out where you’d like to train – and remember, registering establishes your eligibility for SOAP (the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program) in this year’s Match.

March 3, 2021  |  Last Chance for Rank Order List

The final days are here! If you haven’t already finalized your rank order list, you have until 9:00pm ET to do so – here are some tips from the NRMP on how to do it right. (And don’t forget to verify your COMLEX-USA scores too!)

March 15 – 18, 2021  |  We’re So Excited

It’s finally Match Week! Your match status becomes available at 11:00am ET on March 15th, and SOAP begins for eligible, un-matched and partially-matched applicants to unmatched positions.

Good news for those of you that haven’t heard – the NRMP has added a fourth offer round to the 2021 SOAP process to alleviate some of the uncertainty caused by the pandemic.

March 19, 2021  |  Drumroll Please

It’s Match Day! Celebrate with your classmates at your COM’s 2021 Match Day celebration. Match results will be made available at 1:00pm ET.

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